Research Insights

MultiQueue: The Relaxed Priority Queue

Kåre von Geijer published on
13 min, 2565 words

In the age of multicore computing, developers face the challenge of designing data structures that efficiently utilize the available hardware parallelism. One of the most important data structures is the priority queue, which is used in a variety of applications ranging from graph algorithms to data compression. Computer scientists often get taught some heap-based design of priority queues during university, where smart incremental updates enable good performance. However, trying to parallelize these designs is complex, as strictly incremental algorithms often are. In this post, we will investigate the MultiQueue, which is a relaxed priority queue which trades strict sequential semantics for massively increased scalability.

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The power of Graph Neural Networks

Kåre von Geijer published on
15 min, 2944 words

There is something about graph algorithms - they are just always fun to think about! With that said, Graph Neural Netorks (GNN) are no exception. These are a form of neural network, but designed in a way to learn things about graphs. They have proven to be usefull for a plethora of graph learning problems in fields such as drug discovery, recommender systems, and protein folding. In this post, I will present the difficulty of directly applying neural networks (NN) to graphs, how message passing NN solves this, and end by looking at the expressive power of such GNN.

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Quantitative Relaxation of Concurrent Data Structures

Kåre von Geijer published on
11 min, 2029 words

In the middle of a flurry of work on relaxed semantics, Henzinger et al. published the paper Quantitative Relaxation of Concurrent Data Structures in 2013. Its primary contribution is ironing out a framework for the theory of relaxed semantics. The idea is to allow incorrect transitions between states in the data structure specification while being able to associate different paths or transitions with different costs. Furthermore, they create a relaxed out-of-order stack. Here we will concisely but informally present the theory, and in the end, quickly outline the stack.

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Decision Trees for Data Streams

Kåre von Geijer published on
13 min, 2579 words

Decision trees have been around for several decades as a form of machine learning to mainly classify data. From my own experiences at school and Axis, I saw decision trees as simpler and more explainable when compared to neural networks, but also with less potential. However, it seems that they are used a lot in data mining, where the learning has to be done online. So here we will give a short introduction to decision trees and their online versions.

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